just my personal notebook…

05 Feb 25 Are We Truly Free to Develop Mobile/Wearable Apps?

From a Web Developer’s Perspective

I am primarily an iOS user, but at home, I also use Android devices (such as tablets, Fire TV, and some WearOS & Smart home devices). Recently, I developed a simple, free, and ad-free Android app. My goal was to learn something new while creating a free app that could benefit others. However, the journey to publish it on Google Play made me realize it was a path full of endless challenges.

Up until now, I had always stayed on the web side of development, with a few exceptions for small desktop apps and plugins. However, I had been curious about the mobile space as well. Now, having experienced this frustration, I can’t help but wonder if the barriers to entry are worth it.

First, I had to navigate registration fees and multiple official document requirements, which I handled without issue. Before the 14-day testing phase, I also had to conduct an internal test and submit the app to Google for review. But then came the real challenge. Google required me to conduct a 14-day Closed Test with at least 12 users. I found friends & volunteers, completed the testing, and submitted the results.

Here’s another hurdle: You can’t directly share the app link. Instead, you need to first collect the emails of the volunteers participating in the Closed Test, add them to the list, and then make them click the link to download the app.

The next step, I had to fill out an extensive questionnaire. Finally, after a 7-day review, I was informed that the testing was insufficient, and I needed to repeat the process for another 14 days.

This “closed testing” protocol has been enforced on developers who created their accounts after 2023. Meanwhile, older developer accounts—exempt from these restrictions—are being sold on the black market, allowing buyers to bypass these hurdles and instantly publish apps. This raises an important question: How rational is it to impose such heavy burdens on independent developers while allowing loopholes to be exploited elsewhere?

I agree that certain restrictions and regulations are necessary to maintain market quality. However, there is a clear double standard for users, and a lack of transparency in how these rules are enforced—for example, the specific reasons why an app is being blocked/rejected are often unclear.

I had to ask myself: Is it worth investing so much time and effort into a platform that complicates life for independent developers and has dual standards in its rules?

I am not blaming any specific manufacturer or platform because, unfortunately, the entire market has become monopolized. The mobile app ecosystem is controlled by a few big players, and situations like this make you question how fair and accessible it is for individual developers. These companies operate as monopolies, restricting or making it difficult to install alternative app stores—or even preventing sideloading apps without a store.

Fortunately, the EU has taken steps to address this issue, and I hope they succeed. Just as you can refuel your car at any gas station or watch any channel on your TV without restrictions, smart devices should not be locked into a single app marketplace. Breaking this monopoly is essential for a fair and open digital ecosystem.

Have you had similar experiences? Let’s discuss.

28 Jan 25 DeepSeek API Calls

Recently, I was reviewing the API calls of DeepSeek. Right away, I noticed that everything aligns directly with OpenAI counterparts. Interestingly, even the Python library is based on OpenAI’s library.

All you need to do is modify the endpoint and api_key to get started.

This makes the transition incredibly straightforward for anyone looking to switch.

Your First API Call | DeepSeek API Docs

12 Nov 24 Real-Time Bitcoin Price Chrome extension

I’m pleased to introduce a small project I’ve been working on—a Chrome extension that lets you quickly check Bitcoin prices right from your toolbar. The idea is to provide a convenient way to track Bitcoin’s current value without the need to switch tabs or open extra apps.


  • Real-Time Bitcoin Price: Shows Bitcoin’s latest price directly on the toolbar.
  • Currency Options: You can view prices in either USD or EUR.
  • Adjustable Update Frequency: Set how often you’d like the price to refresh, so it’s updated on your terms.
  • Discreet Mode (NSFW): For those who prefer to keep things subtle, this mode will show CPU usage instead of the Bitcoin price on your toolbar—a simple way to keep things low-key.

Why I Created It

I wanted a straightforward solution to check Bitcoin prices at a glance. Plus, I thought it would be handy to have a “Boss Mode” for times when discretion is needed. It’s a lightweight tool that aims to be practical and easy to use.

Try It Out

If this sounds useful to you, you can find it on the Chrome Web Store. Feel free to share any feedback or ideas for improvement; I’d love to make this tool even better. You can download it from here:

22 Oct 24 How to Add Perplexity as a Search Engine in Edge (and Other Browsers)

I’ve been moving away from Google, Yandex, and DuckDuckGo lately. Perplexity not only provides better answers most of the time, but it also saves me time. So, how can we add this search engine to our browser?

To add Perplexity AI as your default search engine in Microsoft Edge, follow these steps:
Open Microsoft Edge on your computer.

Click on the three-dot menu icon in the top-right corner and select “Settings”.
Click “Privacy, search, and services” in the left sidebar.
Scroll down and select “Address bar and search”.
Click on “Manage search engines”.
Select “Add” to add a new search engine.

In the dialog box that appears, enter the following details:
Search engine: Perplexity AI
Shortcut: (or your preferred shortcut)
Click “Add” to save the new search engine.
Find Perplexity AI in the list of search engines, click the three-dot icon next to it, and select “Make default”.

Once you’ve completed these steps, Perplexity AI will be set as your default search engine in Microsoft Edge. When you type a query in the address bar, it will use Perplexity AI to provide results.

03 Sep 18 my very first Google Chrome extension

Just released the first public version of my Icinga Chrome Extension (ICE).
In the beginning I developed it for my own needs. Now it can work with any icinga & chrome installation.

You can test it with official icinga demo page:
user: demo
pass: demo

Feel free to test it and report bugs #icinga #nagios

15 Mar 12 Peki ama, bu daha ne kadar devam edecek?..

Hasta, çukura kaçan gözlerini açarak:
Bugün biraz iyiyim!” dedi.

Elbette… Hep böyle devam edecek değil ya…

O zaman, adeta müteessir bir edayla:
Peki ama, bu daha ne kadar devam edecek?..” diye sordu.

Sualinin hakiki manasını anlamış ve dehşete düşmüştüm
Sesindeki bıkkınlık onun ne kastettiğini gösteriyordu.
Ne oluyorsunuz Raif bey?” dedim.

Gözlerini gözlerime dikerek, ısrarla sordu: ” Peki ama, ne lüzum var? Yetmez mi artık?..

Kürk Mantolu Madonna
Sabahattin Ali

10 Mar 10 Kasa restorasyonu

Bölüm 1:
Gerekenler Altın sarısı sprey, ahşap kaplama kağıdı…

27 Jan 10 Fareniz yakalanamadı…

08 Jan 10 Turkcell Müşteri Hizmetleri ve bir dolandırıcılık hikayesi

Gecenin bir yarısı 12.00 gibi telefonuma bir mesaj geldi.



Verilen numaranın 0531 li olup pek te kurumsal görünmemesine ve yazım dilinin kötü olmasından yola çıkarak bunun bir dolandırıcılık olduğuna karar verdim. Yine de numarayı kontrol etmek için Skype ile aradığımda gizli numaralardan çağrı kabul etmediğini öğrendim. Arkasından TURKCELL Müşteri Hizmetlerini arayarak böyle bir durumla karşı karşıya olduğumu bildirmek istedim ancak Müşteri Yetkilisi yerine otomatik yönlendirmeler çıkıyordu. Bir şekilde alakasız menülerden görevli bir bayana ulaştım. Durumu anlattığımda bana adımı soyadımı sordu. Söyledim. Mesajı anlattım. Bunun bir dolandırıcılık olduğunu ve böyle bir kampanyaları bulunmadığını söyledi.Mesajın geldiği numarayı söyleyecek iken bizim herhangi bir yetkimiz yok lütfen en yakın emniyet birimine başvurun yanıtını aldım :S

Arayanın adı soyadı ilgilendirirken, mesajın geldiği numarayı sormadılar dahi. Özet olarak Turkcell adıyla yapılan bir dolandırıcılık Turkcell ‘i hiç te alakadar etmiyor.
Burası Türkiye…





12 Dec 09 amarok mp3 support

Amarok ta mp3 çalabilmek için

sudo apt-get install libxine1-ffmpeg

sudo apt-get install libxine1-ffmpeg